The city is unceasingly rebuilding itself, the spaces are constantly changing.
Rail transport areas (Clichy Batignolles), hospitals (St Vincent de Paul) and industrial sites (PSA in Aulnay and Garenne-Colombes) are being transformed into new districts, the railway stations of Greater Paris (Aulnay-sous-Bois, Pleyel) are sources of new structural projects, the influence of universities and scientific activities in Ile-de-France also generates new projects (the “Cluster de Saclay”, “Cité Descartes”, “Condorcet”). The list is endless.
Greater Paris is teeming with development projects. The scope for legal reflection and questioning is infinite.
What type of governance for these projects: SPL, SPLAIN, EPA, EPT, SEMOP, commune, State? What is the public’s participation? What environmental assessments are needed for these projects?
How can we contract with public entities in relation to urban planning? How can these projects, which require considerable investment by private and public operators, be safeguarded?
As land is the raw material, the Firm aims to be at the centre of these considerations.